Following the financial collapse in Greece, many more Americans have become acutely aware of what (REALLY) big-government means for the future of this country.
Yesterday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” New York Times writer Andrew Sorkin warned of Greek-style riots here at home if Washington doesn’t reign in the spending. (Of course, we’ve been having peaceful “riots” of a sort for a year now…called Tea Party protests. But, those people couldn’t possibly have serious concerns about the fiscal state of the nation. That’s why the mainstream media has simply dismissed Tea Party participants as yahoo, racist, wingnuts.)
…but I digress.
Perhaps lawmakers will perk up now that the Treasury Department has reported the United States posted an $82.69 billion deficit in April – “nearly four times the $20.91 billion shortfall registered in April 2009 and the largest on record for that month.”
Reuters explains:
It was more than twice the $40-billion deficit that Wall Street economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast and was striking since April marks the filing deadline for individual income taxes that are the main source of government revenue.
Department officials said that in prior years, there was a surplus during April in 43 out of the past 56 years.
The government has now posted 19 consecutive monthly budget deficits, the longest string of shortfalls on record.
For the first seven months of fiscal 2010, which ends September 30, the cumulative budget deficit totals $799.68 billion, down slightly from $802.3 billion in the comparable period of fiscal 2009.