All eyes will be focused on Arizona tomorrow, when the immigration law, barring an injunction, goes into effect. Let’s hope the protests are as civil, for protests there will be.

 I was interested in the logic behind this protester’s stance:

 “We are waiting for the court to decide, but even if it issues a temporary injunction… we’re still going ahead with our protests, because 21 other states want to follow Arizona’s footsteps with racist laws” of their own, Paulina Gonzalez, spokeswoman for the “We Are All Arizona” group told AFP

 What Ms. Gonzalez is saying, in essence, is this: We’re protesting this law because it is so popular with the public that similar laws could be enacted elsewhere. That doesn’t mean she’s not perfectly entitled to protest; it’s just an interesting reason.

And she is right about popular support-Rasmussen puts the percentage of people who’d like to see comparable laws elsewhere at 54 percent.

 While I share Ms. Gonzalez’s concerns about racial profiling, I don’t think it’s fair to characterize the Arizona law as “racist.” The law does not penalize anyone because of race but for being here illegally.