Parents and kids are beginning to think about the beginning of the school year, no doubt buying dorky book satchels, pencils, and other supplies. But what kind of education will the children be getting? Come September, MSNBC is going to be focusing on education with Education Nation, a series that will ask provocative questions.
As anybody who saw our wonderful show About Our Children, featuring Bill Cosby and Michelle Bernard, and also produced in conjunction with MSNBC, knows, education is a subject near to our hearts at IWF. (The dynamic duo talked about kids and education on the Today Show.)
Education Nation, debuting Sept. 27, will be an entire week of shows aimed at finding ways to improve our nation’s schools. It will highlight success stories, puncture some myths, and show how bad education not only affects individuals but also harms our economy.
“Making the Grade,” an MSNBC/Ebony magazine special, kicked off the effort last week. Charter school advocate Ben Chavis, who turned the once-failing American Indian Public Charter School in Oakland, California, into a huge success, through discipline, tough love, and even monetary rewards, was a star. Chavis, of course, was also an important part of About Our Kids.
We’re expecting more of Chavis in September.
Chavis is always interesting (Inkwell would say this even if our own Michelle hadn’t been the keynote speaker at his now-thriving charter school’s most recent graduation exercises!). His book, Crazy Like a Fox: One Principal’s Triumph in the Inner City, is a must-read for anybody interested in education. So mark your calendar now for Education Nation.