Looks like the response to our new federal healthcare system is slow in New Jersey.
I was expecting “the uninsured” to be knocking the doors down to get covered, but here is a story about the so far minimal response in New Jersey:
Just two people in New Jersey will begin receiving coverage Monday under new plans created by federal health care reforms.
NJ Protect plans are available to those who have been without insurance for at least six months and submit evidence of pre-existing health conditions.
The state will receive $141 million in federal subsidies to cover claims that exceed the premiums paid by the beneficiaries.
Horizon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey spokesman Tom Vincz expects more people will enroll in the coming weeks.
Vincz says more than 600 applications were downloaded and 268 information kits were sent out following the program’s announcement on Aug. 1.
Two policies are available, with premiums ranging from $212 to $768 monthly, depending on age.