When people pooh pooh something, it often means they are scared of it. Like when Obamacare supporters deride the vote to repeal Obamacare as purely symbolic. The vote is scheduled for tomorrow-and that alone has some Obamacare supporters in a snit. E. J. Dionne, for instance, thinks it’s too soon after the Tucson shootings to even discuss the vote:
It’s disappointing that the House did not wait a bit longer before bringing up an issue that has aroused so much division, acrimony and disinformation. After all, the repeal bill has no chance of becoming law. The president would certainly veto it, and the Democratic-led Senate is unlikely to pass it.
Nice try, E. J.
It was fitting for Congress to halt business last week to honor those killed or grievously wounded in Tucson, but now it’s time to get back to business. The time to preach comity was when the unpopular bill was being rammed through the 111th Congress with Christmas Eve voting.
The real reason supporters of Obamacare don’t want the vote isn’t that they dread acrimony-it was okay last year, when they held the House-or that the vote is merely symbolic. (What a symbol!) It’s because the vote has the power to reveal that the legislation was unpopular and remains unpopular; it will get legislators on record as to where their loyalties lie.
Jeffrey Anderson, who has been superb throughout the health care debate, notes:
Two Democrats have already said they’ll vote for repeal, which is two more than the number of Republicans who voted for passage. The repeal billis 2 pages long — or about 2,698 pages shorter than the monstrosity it’s seeking to eliminate.
(The two Democrats are Rep. Dan Boren of Oklahoma and Mike Ross of Arkansas.)
The biggest sign that Obamacare is in big trouble:
U. S. Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., and a member of the House Democratic leadership, told Fox News that members of his party would consider “modifications” to Obamacare. That’s either coy politics by Clyburn or perhaps indication that Democrats indeed felt the earth move under their feet in November – and don’t want to feel it again in 2012.
Modifications? I thought this was the greatest piece of legislation since FDR. Don’t believe them when they try to tell you tomorrow’s vote isn’t a big deal.
If you oppose Obamacare and would like to make your opposition known to your member of Congress, our sister organization, Independent Women’s Voice has a letter you might want to sign.