March is a jam-packed month: Women’s History Month, “March Madness” in the sports world, and-oh yes-the anniversary month of Obamacare. President Obama gave the 111th Congress an arbitrary deadline to pass the bill and thanks to false promises and arm twisting, it became law last March.
“We’re already seeing ObamaCare’s madness in its first year of implementation, which is why the American people continue to call for defunding, repealing and replacing it with more sensible reforms,” write Heather Higgins, president and CEO of our sister organization, Independent Women’s Voice, Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, and Alex Cortes, executive director of Let Freedom Ring, in today’s Wall Street Journal.
The authors have compiled a list of disturbing examples of Obamacare mayhem that have already become clear. It’s a must read for anybody who cares about the issue, a great one-stop shop for learning the major problems so fare created by Obamacare, from the nearly one thousand waivers the government has already been forced to grant to numerous companies to what it will do to state budgets and individual lives. Here’s one anybody who pays state income taxes (and that’s most of us) might find this item disburbing:
A new study from the Senate Finance and House Energy and Commerce Committees found that as a result of ObamaCare, budget-strapped states face at least $118 billion in unfunded mandates during the first 10 years after the law takes effect.