A further update on the Title IX situation at the University of Delaware. A UD track and field alumnus passes along this article, outlining a federal investigation into the recent decision to cut men’s track and field and cross country from the school:

A federal civil rights office has agreed to investigate claims by members of the men’s track team that the university’s decision to cut the team amounts to discrimination against male athletes.

The complaint, reportedly signed by approximately 40 members of the team, alleges the university’s action, which university officials maintain was to comply with Title IX, is in fact a violation of Title IX.

This will be interesting to watch. I’ve seen examples of men’s teams unsuccessfully sue schools to try and get their programs reinstated, but this is the first time that I can remember the government investigating a school on Title IX grounds on behalf of a men’s team. If nothing else, the investigation should produce more information about the process that led to the school’s decision to cut the programs — a decision that obviously wasn’t publicly debated,as it caught those involved completely off-guard. Stay tuned.