This debt deal may be the best, or close to the best, that those of us who want to limit government could expect, given political realities. But that doesn’t mean that it is what this country needs to solve its long-term debt problems and get it’s fiscal house in order. The good news is that I think the American people increasingly understand that we need big changes in how Washington does business–that cutting future increases in spending isn’t enough.
As I write in Townhall today, too many policymakers don’t seem to get this. This debt ceiling debate isn’t the only example of politicians who seem content to tinker with government policy, rather than embrace the full-scale reform that’s needed. We are also seeing too many politicians around the state who are pushing to pile regulations on business, which is exactly the opposite of what we need, particulalry in this time of high joblessness.
Elections have consequences, and the election of a President committed to expanding government’s power–taking over the health care system, micromanaging the energy sector to boost “green” technologies, regulating the food industry, nationalizing the student loan industry, etc–has had enormous consequences. These problems won’t be solved in one debt limit fight, but will require a new generation of leaders in Washington who are committed to return government to its proper size.