Please tell me he didn’t just do this:

Speaking at a high school in Australia, President Obama told a group of Aussie students that their counterparts in his country had “fallen behind” when it comes to math and science, saying he wants to reform the public school system.

Obama also asserted that poor children don’t get “support they need when they’re very young’’ and are “already behind’’’ when they enter grammar school, according to a press pool report.

The above is from Keith Koffler’s White House Dossier website. It should be noted that Obama's diss of American public school kids—from the father of daughters who attend the fancy Sidwell Friends School—comes on the heels of the president's having described (adult) citizens of the nation he leads as lazy twice in the space of two months.  

A great deal can be said about the public school system in the U.S., and the negatives should not be aired by the president in a foreign country. It is ironic that one of the most powerful impediments to improving public education is the education unions, which the president goes out of his way to support.

If the president is going to criticize our schools on foreign soil, he should admit that he was wrong to oppose D.C.’s very successful voucher program that helped families send their children to a school of their choice.