Look, I wouldn’t want any high fashion model to miss out on a glam holiday in Jamaica with former Beatle Paul McCartney and his new wife, Nancy Shevell.
Who could be so heartless?
Still, a photo of Sir Paul and George W. Bush's neice Lauren Bush Lauren (she is married to David Lauren, son of Ralph) and their spouses frolicking in Jamaica leads Keith Koffler of the delicious White House Dossier website, to muse that Lauren Lauren has apparently given McCartney a pass on a nasty and completely uncalled for East Room swipe at her uncle.
McCartney, who was receiving an honor sponsored in part by the Library of Congress, said, “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who even knows what a library is.”
Koffler observes:
I mean, you can’t really participate in the Jet Set and not concur that W was a grey matter-less bonehead. Even if he’s your uncle.
This is not an entirely trivial matter. One of the reasons I think so many young people are afraid to become conservatives is that they respond to liberal brainwashing that conservatives are stupid. Indeed, liberals often “argue” with conservatives not by refuting their points but merely but by asserting that their rivals aren't smart.
The caricature of George Bush, who is in reality an avid reader, is so unfair. While still in the White House, Bush wrote a fan letter to a friend of mine, who had just published an elegant and complicate book. Bush loved the book.
But the dumb conservative/dumb W stereotype was so ingrained that, when my friend went to the post office to send the president a copy of an older book of his, the postal clerk sneered and said something like, “I wonder if he knows how to read a book.”
Needless to say, one would not call on Lauren Lauren to do something socially awakward in the company of the fabulous McCartneys. But Koffler writes:
I hope she gave McCartney a piece of her mind.
A piece of her what?
Just kidding, but how do you like it when the tables are turned, Lauren Lauren?