Okay, this is going too far:
Au revoir, Mademoiselle! France bans word for “Miss” from official documents because it suggests a woman is “available.”
Although mademoiselles and misses are often (charmingly, we hope) available, that is hardly what the polite old words mean: they are simply old-fashioned terms for a girl or an unmarried women. You are, of course, more likely to be addressed as Ms. in the U.S., though I have been known to request "Miss Hays" in a tag line–just to shock enlightened editors, you know.
But French feminists are having none of this:
In a major victory for French feminists, the change was revealed in an official decree to ministries and regional authorities yesterday.
From now on, Mademoiselle should be replaced with 'Madame', the female equivalent of 'Monsieur', because it does not indicate marital status, the order said.
And maiden name must be swapped for 'family name' or 'name of usage', Mr Fillon's order said.
But the changes would come into force gradually as 'current stocks of paperwork run out' for economic reasons, it stated.
The move was praised by feminist campaigners groups Osez le Feminisme (Dare feminism) and Les Chiennes de Garde (Guard Bitches), who said it now put women on an equal footing.
Miss Hays here has always felt on an equal footing with men, but I guess Les Chiennes de Garde need some self-esteem bolstering, n'est pas?. Actually, it’s more than that—this is part of a crusade to create a politically correct, ideologically pure, graceless society.
But, mes amies, wouldn’t it be better to ban the term Madame—I mean, doesn’t it sound like—well, you know—something else?
Perhaps Les Chiennes de Garde find this less offensive than they do nice young ladies?