Three pioneers of the feminist movement—Gloria Steinem, Robin Morgan, and Jane Fonda—have teamed up to fight something really offensive: people who don't agree with them. Specifically, they are fighting to silence Rush Limbaugh. Silencing Limbaugh, as we all know, is the liberal dream that will not die.
In their quest to rid the airwaves of people who don't agree wih them, Steinem, Morgan, and Fonda have written an letter to the Federal Communications Commission, asking the FCC to do their dirty work by taking Limbaugh off the air. They explained in a CNN opinion piece:
Limbaugh doesn't just call people names. He promotes language that deliberately dehumanizes his targets.
Like the sophisticated propagandist Josef Goebbels, he creates rhetorical frames–and the bigger the lie, the more effective–inciting listeners to view people they disagree with as sub-humans.
His longtime favorite term for women, "femi-Nazi," doesn't even raise eyebrows anymore, an example of how rhetoric spreads when unchallenged by coarsened cultural norms.
James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal comments:
We suppose we should mention that we don't care for Limbaugh's term "feminazi" either. While there's no denying its euphony–and euphony counts for a lot in radio–feminism is fundamentally different from National Socialism in that the latter is based on a theory of racial supremacy while the former is based on a false theory of equality. If only there were a catchy portmanteau of "feminism" and "Gramsci."
That said, you have to marvel at Fonda, Morgan and Steinem's chutzpah in comparing Limbaugh to Goebbels and then, in the very next sentence, denouncing him for using a Nazi analogy. The technical term for this sort of thing is "comedy gold."
Although I in general get a kick out of Rush, I didn’t care for his crude remark about Sandra Fluke either. (I have a thing about chivalry.) But the feminist troika is calling for the FCC to suppress Limbaugh. At one point, they describe Limbaugh as “hiding” behind the First Amendment!
Citing the scarcity of radio bandwith, Steinem, Morgan, and Fonda creepily wonder if letting Limbaugh, who brightens the day for millions, speaks is “in the public interest.” When they admonish the FCC that broadcasters should “serve their respective communities,” what they are talking about is getting a public agency to make sure people who don't agree with them aren't able to express their opinions on the radio.
The real problem for them is that Limbaugh has been serving his community for years, and that this drives people like our threesome of feminist pioneers mad. They just plain want to shut him up. Taranto says that the three are manifesting signs of totalitarian tendencies, and I must agree.
And, as Taranto points out, the scarcity argument doesn’t hold water today—with the advent of cable, satellite, and internet transmission, it is hard to say that there just aren’t enough outlets. Cruelly, Taranto suggests is is a sign of–er–maturity that the icons aren't aware of the availability of such diverse forms of communication.
It should be noted that Morgan, Steinem, and Fonda only want to get Limbaugh off the air—Gloria Allred, the celebrity feminist lawyer, wants him prosecuted.
But don’t liberals know how much they would miss Rush?
Talking about the “so-called war on women” last night as host of the O’Reilly Factor, Laura Ingraham repeatedly asked a female activist guest to cite evidence that there is a GOP war on women. The only “evidence” of a wow the guest could provide was Limbaugh’s unfortunate comment on Sandra Fluke, which she mentioned again and again in the brief segment.