Oh Nancy. Your jibber jabber makes this small government girl's heart pitter patter. What a proud moment for the women of America that our first female Speaker of the House got caught with her proverbial pants down this afternoon–revealing just why she works so hard to ensure Americans have access to high paying jobs.
So that they can afford to send their kids to college? Nah…
So that they can afford to purchase a house? Nah…
So that they can afford to own a car? Nah…
So that they can afford to save thier own money for retirement and future medical bills? Nah…
Good 'ole Nance wants you to have a higher paying job so that she can take more of your money through taxation. She actually said this…out loud…with a microphone in her face (emphasis mine):
“I wish they would earn more so they can pay more, and that’s what we’re about, the creation of good-paying jobs in our country that contribute to our international competitiveness to keep America number one.”
Well put, Nance! Taking the American people's hard earned money. That is indeed what your party is all about (Hat tip to the Daily Caller who posted a video of Nancy's jaw droppingly stupid statement).