Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro's legislative accomplishments are legendary. I mean, who can forget DeLauro's awe inspiring efforts to help the bathroom-challenged. Her memorable "Diaper Investment and Aid to Promote Economic Recovery Act" was simply the masterwork of a politician determined to get the government to pay for every possible human need–even the needs of moms who have kids in diapers (read Carrie Lukas' hilarious write up on DeLauro's bill here).
Bravo, DeLauro. You clearly saw a hole in government services–an area the federal government wasn't yet covering. Never mind that young, poor moms already have access to a number of assistance programs that cover everything from their baby formula to their food and housing costs. How…just how could the federal government miss such a critical area of support. Thank goodness for Rep. DeLauro who clearly has her finger on the pulse of America's poop needs.
Unfortunately, the glory days that came with DeLauro's poop bill have faded and she's looking for a new societal ill to correct. Enter obesity–everyone's favorite pet issue.
To fix the problem, DeLauro as a predictable solution: tax soda.
DeLauro’s (and her staff's) ability to ignore facts about soda consumption in this country (read about the latest Gallup poll on soda consumption here) and their refusal to actually research issues is amazing and it would be embarrassing if anyone in the mainstream media actually questioned them on these boneheaded and worthless proposals. What's more, their willful ignorance of such economic trends–such as skyrocketing food costs–betray their real agenda. It has nothing to do with helping the obese (the majority of which are poor); it has nothing to do with an interest in making Americans more healthy.
Instead, DeLauro real motivation is regulation for regulation sake. And soda is the bad guy these days. Why not pile on.
One hopes DeLauro takes a moment to review the food situation in this country before actually introducing her bill. The AP reports today that food costs will only increase more in 2013:
The drought gripping more than half the country is a major reason why consumers can expect to pay 3 percent to 4 percent more for groceries next year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said Wednesday. Milk, eggs, beef, poultry and pork prices will all be affected because the drought has pushed up prices for feed, and that will eventually translate into higher prices for steaks, hamburger, pork chops and chicken.
Natural disasters are out of our control. Droughts happen and they cause higher costs; nothing can change or prevent that from happening.
DeLauro, however, is a disaster we can control. It's time she understood Americans don't need her good will increasing their bill at the grocery store.