From Heritage:
There are a lot of taxes in Obamacare that will harm businesses and consumers alike. Some business owners have been vocal about their dislike for the new law and what it will men for them. Join us today at noon ET for our “Lunch with Heritage” Google+ Hangout on the Obamacare taxes, what they will mean for businesses, and what they will mean for you. You can join us on our Google+ Page, or right here on the Foundry. To ask a question, submit it as a comment on this post, Tweet @Heritage with hashtag #HeritageFan, or leave a comment on our Google+ Page.
Our Guests:
– Cutis Dubay, Senior Tax Policy Analyst at The Heritage Foundation
– Alyene Senger, Research Assistant for Health Policy Studies at The Heritage
– Dan Holler, Director of Communications for Heritage Action for America
– Hadley Heath, Senior Policy Analyst for the Independent Women’s Forum