Washington is supposed to be grappling with tough questions about how to trim back spending. Yet some of these questions shouldn’t be tough. Here’s a no-brainer cut that should be made immediately: ending funding for missile systems that everyone agrees will never be put to use.
Citizens Against Government Waste provides a good 101 on the issue—the Medium Extended Air Defense System has been delayed by more than a decade, cost $2 billion more than it was supposed to, and the CBO has recommended eliminating the program.
Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) summed it up nicely: “We feel strongly that it’s a waste of money.”
Yet the continuing resolution under effect until the 27th including nearly $200 million more for MEADS. This is appalling even by Washington standards. Can’t we all agree not to zero out White House tours and instead stop funding useless military equipment?