China is not the only nation under criticism for population control. Recently, four doctors in one of India's clinics without electricity or running water conducted 103 sterilizations in a single day — so many, in fact, that 23 women were dumped in a dirty field without medical oversight following the operations.
This disturbing event has brought international attention to Indian states' sterilization laws, which target women. According to the Human Rights Watch, health workers are often assigned targets and may bribe women to receive the operations. Women undergoing the procedure are often unaware of sterilization's permanence, complications, or contraception alternatives.
To learn more about India's sterilizations click below:
CNN: Indian authorities have launched an investigation after sterilized women were left out in the open for hours following surgery because of lack of space.
Human Rights Watch: India should eliminate coercive female sterilization practices as it implements plans for the expanded contraceptive services
PRI: The governments and international aid agencies that fund such Mega Sterilization Camps turn a blind eye to the gross human rights abuses that occur there in their reckless drive to reduce India’s birth rate.