To set the record straight about the real reason for the statistical difference between men and women’s earnings, check out our informative, stop-frame animation web video – Straight Talk About the Wage Gap. The video explains how women’s choices ultimately determine how much they earn and how government intervention in the workplace can backfire on women.
Feminist organizations and their liberal allies in Congress and at the White House will soon celebrate “Equal Pay Day,” a made-up holiday predicated on the idea that women all suffer wage discrimination and earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for the same work. This is a mischaracterization of the opportunities that women face in the economy and ignores the vast research that shows that individuals’ choices about career, education, and other factors have the greatest impact on earnings.
According to a poll by our sister organization Independent Women’s Voice, the vast majority of women (74 percent) agree at least somewhat that workplace discrimination is a serious problem; but this doesn’t necessarily translate into support for more government regulation to “solve” the problem.
When government tries to pass legislation, like the Lilly Ledbetter Act or the Paycheck Fairness Act, to help “close” the wage gap, it can in turn have ill-economic ramifications. Instead, we should be encouraging women to think about the choices they make, stand up for themselves when negotiating a fair salary.
There is so much good news for women and girls today! Women are outpacing men educationally, soaring to the top of professional fields, are the leading consumers and are increasingly becoming the breadwinners. Choices can be difficult to make throughout life, but having more choices and opportunity than ever before is something to celebrate!