In the midst of Syria’s civil war, an Islamic cleric has released and edict permitting rape for “sexual jihad.” Syrian rebels are raping, violently abusing, and murdering Syrian women. The results are horrific: desperate women faced with the dishonor of lost virginity end up turning to prostitution. To learn more, click below.
Syria Deeply: Many opposition leaders have praised women for their role in the uprising against the Assad regime. But women remain marginalized in opposition politics, portending an uncertain future for female participation in the post-conflict Syrian political sphere.
Washington Times: An Islamic cleric has cleared the path for rebels in Syria, who are trying to oust President Bashar Assad and rape non-Sunni women,.
VOA News: Each day, hundreds of Syrian women straggle into Jordan, Egypt and other countries in the region in search of security and a better life for themselves and their children. But because many of them have left their husbands behind in Syria, they are vulnerable to sexual violence and sexual exploitation.
Toronto Star [GRAPHIC]: International human rights groups are alarmed at the consistent reports of rape from refugees flooding into Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Sexual violence is increasingly a “weapon of war” in Syria and perpetrated “by all sides,” senior UN official Erika Feller told the world body’s Human Rights Council in Geneva in February. The charity International Rescue Committee recently warned in a report that rape, or the fear of it, was the main reason why families were fleeing the country.
InfoWars: Though he later backtracked after pressure, “al-Arifi had issued a fatwa saying Syrian rebels can “temporarily marry” Syrian girls as young as 14, and promising “paradise” to the “wives” concerned,” states [a] report. The fatwa allowed “intercourse marriage” with captive Syrian women that lasts for a few hours “in order to give each fighter a turn,” which as the Human Events report notes, is “also known as gang-rape.”