Sharpen Your Messaging Skills wth the Experts
DATE: Friday, May 03
TIME: 2:00pm – 5:00pm MST
LOCATION: Colorado Christian University
Feeling battered by the drumbeat of opinion that casts you and your mainstream views as extreme and intolerant? Tired of letting verbally maladroit political leaders speak for you and your politics? Want to become more effective at communicating the appeal of liberty and limited government? Centennial Institute presents an interactive workshop with practical tools and personal coaching to help you do just that.
Learn from guest experts Bill Kristol and Stephen F. Hayes of The Weekly Standard and Fox News, with Colorado political leaders John Andrews and Krista Kafer, director of the Colorado's Future Project, as moderators.
Practice out loud with fellow freedom advocates on how to apply conservative principles to the issues on everyone's mind, with winsome words that start to become second nature.
The Conservative Persuasion Bootcamp is $25, and for under-30s it's just $10. It will be held in the Rocky Mountain Ballroom at The Broadmoor West.
Purchase tickets online, or phone 303.963.3424 for a will-call reservation.