James Dao of the New York Times reports the single most fascinating stat on sexual assaults in the military so far:

Sexual assault has emerged as one of the defining issues for the military this year. Reports of assaults are up, as are questions about whether commanders have taken the problem seriously. Bills to toughen penalties and prosecution have been introduced in Congress.

But in a debate that has focused largely on women, this fact is often overlooked: The majority of service members who are sexually assaulted each year are men.

n its latest report on sexual assault, the Pentagon estimated that 26,000 service members experienced unwanted sexual contact in 2012, up from 19,000 in 2010. Of those cases, the Pentagon says 53 percent involved attacks on men, mostly by other men.

To tell you the truth, I haven’t the foggiest what to say about this. Any sexual assault on anybody is an abomination, especially among our military, who should represent our highest ideals. And let-s face it: guys who get sexually assaulted are just as much victims as women.

Since I don’t quite know what to make of this phenomenon, here is how Lucianne Goldberg blurbed it on her website:

This startling stat should have feminists uncapping their magic markers for some fundamental sign changes. Then again, they may not bother.

But–and I rarely say this–Bravo to the New York Times for reporting this singularly politically incorrect statistic.