IWF Calls On Mayor Bloomberg To Drop His Continuing Efforts To Limit Americans' Food & Beverage Choices 

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The Independent Women's Forum praises the New York State Supreme Court's Appellate Division which on Tuesday unanimously upheld Supreme Court Judge Milton Tingling's March ruling that Mayor Bloomberg's drink ban is unconstitutional. IWF calls on Mayor Michael Bloomberg to drop his continuing efforts to limit people's' food and beverage choices. 

Julie Gunlock, director of IWF's Culture of Alarmism project, releases the following statement:

"Mayor Bloomberg's has vowed to continue the fight to limit people's drink choices – a policy that treats New Yorkers like children and will cost jobs and hurt the already struggling small business sector. 

"Yesterday, Bloomberg characterized the appellate court's ruling as a 'temporary setback' and vowed to appeal the decision. What will it take for Mayor Bloomberg to understand he's in violation of the Constitution?  

"New Yorkers deserve better. They deserve an executive who focuses on the real issues facing New Yorkers  sustained unemployment, rising crime rates, traffic congestion and a serious housing shortage for working-class New Yorkers.  I know as a woman, I'd certainly feel better if elected officials concentrated on real issues like getting criminals off the streets rather than nosing around in my drink choices.


Independent Women's Forum is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and educational institution dedicated to expanding the conservative coalition, both by increasing the number of women who understand and value the benefits of limited government, personal liberty, and free markets, and by countering those who seek to ever expand government in the name of protecting women.