A “Slap Hillary” game developed by the SlapHillaryTeam has both liberals and the Republican National Committee in a tizzy. The outrage!

Slap Hillary features a dancing Hillary (actually pretty funny) and a game that seemed sort of dumb: for example, it shows Hillary and President Obama, who won’t be running again, preparing to fight.

Democrats, Republicans, and anti-violence activists have gone ballistic over Slap Hillary.  

The Huffington Post reports:

After a GOP super PAC resurrected “Slap Hillary,” a game that enables players to hit a cartoon version of the former first lady across the face, a number of advocates spoke out against the game and the RNC couldn’t agree with them more.

“Clearly any game encouraging people to slap anyone is in poor taste. It was when the Democrats used Sarah Palin as the target and it is now with Hillary Clinton,” RNC spokeswoman Kirstan Kukowski told ABC News.

The Hillary Project — the group that’s promoting “Slap Hillary,” and says its mission is to keep Clinton out of the White House — had defended posting the game to its website by saying that Democrats didn’t wince when the “Slap Palin” game was making its rounds in 2008.

If I were a GOP official I might be distressed that anybody thinks something this lame will affect Hillary’s chances of being president. I also, just as an old-fashioned gal, don’t like the idea of slapping women–or anybody for that matter–even in a game.

But give me a break. This is kids’ stuff compared to the vicious campaign President Obama ran against Mitt Romney. It's not worth getting hot and bothered about (am I using sexist language?).

But Slap Hillary raises an intriguing question.  

As my friend Edward Bartlett points out:

At the same time [there is outrage over Slap Hillary], Kentucky Fried Chicken has been running an advertisement showing a woman violently slap a man. KFC is now claiming the abusive ad is supposed to represent “humor:”

Sadly, there has been little groundswell of outrage when a man is on the receiving end of the violence….except for the inestimable Barbara Kay

Here’s the Kay piece. Thought experiment: imagine the Democratic National Committee's response if somebody had created a "Slap Palin" game in 2008.