At National Review’s The Corner I noted yesterday that Mrs. Pelosi was sworn into the National Women’s Hall of Fame last weekend. Sure, she’s the first female speaker of the House so it’s a fitting honor, but some of those celebrating her seem unaware of current events, touting how wonderful it is that Mrs. Pelosi helped created ObamaCare, which means so much for women.
Yet right now, what ObamaCare means for millions of women is that a frustrating item on their to do list—buy insurance on the ObamaCare exchanges—that they simply can’t check off.
As the Wall Street Journal details today, ObamaCare’s exchange role out has been an inexcusable disaster. Government officials, like Secretary Sebelius, who seem to want the public to have understanding and patience seem not to get that the American people cannot count on the IRS to have similar patience and understanding when they go to see if citizens have complied with the law requiring them to purchase the government-approved insurance.
Yes, it’s as simple and shocking as that. The government has required by law that Americans must by a product, told millions it had to be bought through government, and yet can’t make it possible to actually allow people to buy that insurance. Oh, and in the process they are forcing millions of Americans to put their personal data and financial information into a system that apparently is unsecure, leaving them open to identity theft.
Perhaps the only good news is that Americans are indeed learning what’s in the health care law and support for repeal must be growing.