"We want Americans to have a variety of job opportunities. A job gives people a means of support as well as a sense of dignity. A growing economy provides jobs not only to the unemployed, but gives the employed upward mobility by allowing them to change jobs and move up the income ladder."
— Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Chapter 1
"Americans deserve a government budget that uses taxpayer dollars wisely, prioritizes properly, and doesn't create an unsupportable debt for the next generation. Americans also deserve a tax system that is easy to understand, treats people fairly, and doesn't discourage productive behaviors or impede economic growth."
— Romina Boccia, Chapter 2
"The quality of health care in the United States is among the best in the world. We want to keep that in mind as we make changes to our health care system, so that we are careful to preserve our competitive edge in treating serious illnesses and creating new cures. But our weakness is our bloated, inefficient, and unfair payment system, which can make accessing health care unnecessarily expensive and difficult."
— Hadley Heath Manning, Chapter 3
"Why is this conversation about the wage gap so important? At its core the faulty wage gap statistic perpetuates the myth that society and the workplace are inherently antagonistic toward women. Taken a step further, it frames women as a victim class in need of special protections from government. And these “protections” would not only grow government unnecessarily, but also backfire on women, making them more costly to employ."
— Sabrina Schaeffer, Chapter 4
"Americans increasingly expect to be able to tailor their lives according to their unique needs and preferences. …There is no reason that the same cannot be true in the education sector. Americans should be able to choose from a wide variety of education providers, from schools to job training programs, educational games and virtual learning opportunities, that serve people of all ages."
— Vicki Alger, Chapter 5
"Much of the anxiety women feel is fueled by the constant drum beat of warnings that come from environmental and public health organizations who tell women that the food they eat, the household and personal care products they use, and the habits they practice threaten their health and the health of their children. These groups understand that if you get the public nervous enough, they’re more likely to acquiesce to government regulations."
— Julie Gunlock, Chapter 7