On the eve of Thanksgiving, let’s take a moment to remember and be thankful for our fellow American citizens who are far away from home and their loved ones defending our freedom.
Below are excerpts (and photos online at) from “A Military Thanksgiving” that show how members of our Navy are spending this Thanksgiving. I focus on the Navy because I am a Navy spouse whose husband was warned this year of his third deployment… this time to Somalia. Thank you to members of every military branch for your service, especially those who are now sacrificing time away from the safety and security of home with loved ones:
Let us not forget our troops spending yet one more Thanksgiving away from their loved ones and those troops and their families . …While Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, we wanted to bring some attention to the Sailors missing from their families’ tables. More than 40,000 Sailors are spending this holiday on watch in defense of their country and loved ones back home. While they are in our care, the Navy ensures that each of our shipmates get a home-cooked meal just as they would if they were back home in the States with family.
We give thanks for you and your many sacrifices, and wish you a speedy and safe return home.