Earlier this month U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) introduced the Local Control of Education Act (S.2967), which would prohibit the federal government from mandating, “incentivizing,” or coercing states to adopt Common Core national standards or any other federal standards, content, curricula, assessments, or instruction programs. Sen. Vitter then announced he’d be introducing the bill as an amendment to the spending bill.
But apparently Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) blocked legislation, according to Breitbart.com’s Susan Berry. As Sen. Vitter explained in a press statement:
U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.)…made the following statement after Senate Majority Leader Harry (D-Nev.) blocked his legislation, the “Local Control of Education Act,” from getting a vote as an amendment to the federal spending bill. …
“I've fought tooth and nail for local control of education and against the enormous growth of federal power under President Obama – and I think it’s a shame that Sen. Reid wouldn’t allow us to have a vote. I believe we need to prohibit the federal government from mandating, coercing, or bribing states to adopt Common Core or its equivalent,” Vitter said. “My legislation would get rid of the federal government’s ability to force states into adopting federal standards.”
Sen. Vitter, a former Common Core supporter, changed his mind earlier this year, stating:
“After listening to literally thousands of parents, teachers, and others… I don’t believe that we can achieve that Louisiana control, buy-in, and success I’m committed to if we stay in Common Core,” Vitter said. “Common Core is controlled by national groups and interests outside Louisiana. And many Louisianans legitimately fear that it will become a federal government takeover of education under President Obama and his far-left allies.”
Common Core, however, is symptomatic of the larger problem of unconstitutional federal involvement in education. Until we stop that, don’t expect the feds to abide by any parchment barrier.