Secretary of State John Kerry says that the Obama administration deserves the “benefit of the doubt” in negotiating with Iran. I am not sure that you give the “benefit of the doubt” when life or death treaties are being negotiated in secret and with the possibility that Congress will be circumvented.
Moreover, “Trust us” is probably not the best slogan for an administration that has been supremely untrustworthy in selling one of its other pet causes, ObamaCare, and is now negotiating with an Islamic state with nuclear ambitions and which has publicly and repeatedly vowed the destruction of Israel. And, by the way, “Death to America” is another popular Iranian slogan, though no doubt a good jobs program could have the mullahs purring like kittens.
Kerry also argues that imperiled Israel is safer now because of interim agreements with the mullah-run Iran. This is close to delusional, and all the more reason that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress tomorrow is of prime importance to the survival of Israel and, less immediately, to the safety of the West.
U.S.-Isreali relations are at a breaking point–at least, with regard to the Obama administration and our most steadfast ally in the world's most dangerous neighborhood.
The Examiner has a good editorial on the Obama administration’s “blind hostility to Israel,” which in the past it tried to cloak in pro-Israel rhetoric, and its promotion of an Iran that has fatal designs on Israel and is dangerous to the West:
Even if we were to set aside any notion of the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship or dismiss the significance of the vow "Never Again," and merely look at the issue in the most narrow and dispassionate terms of what's in America's national security interests, the administration's moves are dangerous.
In trying to prove that he won't be cowed by any sort of lobbying effort by the pro-Israel community, Obama has been stubbornly refusing to see that his policy has elevated a radical Islamist regime as a regional power — a regime that has for decades called for "Death to America" and has been a leading state sponsor of terrorism. Allowing Iran to go nuclear not only alienates Israel, but also Arab nations that would also be threatened.
Michael Makovsky, Churchill biographer and CEO of the Jewish Institute for National Securityt Affairs, has a chilling piece in the Weekly Standard on the state of negotiations with Iran over nuclear power:
Is Barack Obama another Neville Chamberlain? I’ve been reluctant to make the comparison, but as talks with Iran have unfolded, it’s become impossible not to think of the 1938 Munich conference, where Britain and France agreed that strategically and economically vital Czech territory be ceded to Germany, leading soon after to German conquest of Czechoslovakia and World War II. America’s looming deal with Iran rivals Munich in its unnecessary and catastrophic recklessness. It is an inexplicable unforced error that will have disastrous consequences unless Congress, or Israel, does something to stop it.
An acceptable diplomatic solution to the danger posed by Iran’s nuclear program might have been available, but only had the United States maintained tough sanctions and a credible threat of military force. President Obama instead utterly undermined U.S. leverage and has offered so many irresponsible concessions that any deal struck under this president would be a dangerous deal.
First, the administration, through the Joint Plan of Action interim deal, conceded that Iran can maintain its nuclear program, contravening decades of U.S. policy and multiple legally binding U.N. Security Council resolutions. We won’t be able to stop the proliferation cascade that will ensue in a region already rife with violence and instability.
Quin Hillyer suggests at NRO that, when Netanyahu speaks to Congress tomorrow, he’ll be speaking as the leader of the free world, a mantal formerly traditionally bestowed on the president of the United States. I urge you to read the entire piece as preparation for tomorrow’s historic address by the Prime Minister of a nation threatened with extinction (and that extinction made all the more possible by an American administration now requesting the “benefit of the doubt”).