April 14, 2015
Celia Meyer: 248.885.1878
Victoria Coley: 443.758.6077
Time To Stop Pretending All Women Are Victims In The Workplace
WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, progressive feminist organizations and their liberal allies in Congress and the White House celebrate “Equal Pay Day,” a faux holiday predicated on the idea that all women suffer from wage discrimination and earn 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. Independent Women’s Forum, the group at the forefront against the Left’s misuse of the wage gap statistic, released the following statement on the erroneous observation:
“Feminist groups and Democratic lawmakers call today Equal Pay Day, a fictitious holiday that’s premised on the notion that the workplace is openly hostile toward women. What’s more it’s a Trojan horse for horrible policy. The statistical difference between women and men’s average earnings isn’t driven by widespread sexism, but largely from different choices men and women make throughout our lives. The Administration and its allies know the wage gap statistic is grossly misleading; in fact, last year the White House conceded the figure is flawed, yet continues to regurgitate it again this year,” said Sabrina Schaeffer, Independent Women’s Forum executive director.
“It’s time for those peddling this myth to stop pretending women are victims bound by an inherently sexist society. Women and girls have tremendous opportunity to learn, to work, and to succeed in America today, and we want to empower our daughters to make the choices that make sense for them and advocate for themselves in the workplace.
“Some suggest electing a woman president will help make America more fair and will empower more women. They believe passing additional top-down government regulations on businesses like the Paycheck Fairness Act will help women get ahead. They’re wrong. And laws like this will put women’s jobs at risk. Women benefit most when the state’s power is limited, economies are allowed to flourish, cultures are permitted to prosper, and when individuals, their families, and communities are in charge.”
IWF Resources:
VIDEO: Straight Talk About the Wage Gap
USA Today: Clinton has the Chance to Ditch the 'Male Values' Surrounding Equality, for Good
Podcast: Equal Pay Day + the Wage Gap
Q&A: A Guide to the "Paycheck Fairness Act"
Independent Women's Forum works to improve the lives of Americans by increasing the number of women who value free-markets and personal liberty.
Celia Meyer
Communictions Associate
248.885.1878 | [email protected]
Victoria Coley
Communications Director
443.758.6077 | [email protected]