Looks like the first feminist to stand up and question Hillary Clinton’s actual credentials as a champion for women is Canada’s Raheel Raza, a Pakistani-born women’s rights activist.

A Muslim, Ms. Raza worked with other activists to produce "The Honor Diaries," a documentary exposing violence against women in Muslim societies.

Here is what Ms. Raza said of Mrs. Clinton’s announcement (courtesy the Weekly Standard):

"This week, Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for President," said Raza in a statement.  "As a woman, I congratulate her, but as a women’s rights advocate, I’m concerned about the $13,000,000-$40,000,000 the Clinton Foundation reportedly took from regimes that persecute women, namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman and the UAE."

Raza has created a pledge for all U.S. presidential candidates never to take money from governments that repress women.

It’s a tough pledge—buy it seems something eminently just to ask of people seeking the highest office in a land that has a history (until recently) of standing up for human rights:

Raza's pledge is not limited to presidential campaigns, asking candidates to promise to "never take money from regimes that oppress women, even after I leave public office, including any libraries or foundations in my name.”

"If you’re running for President—and if you want women’s votes—you should sign ‘The Pledge to Women’ and say ‘no’ to money from regimes that forbid women to vote or run for office,” said Raza.

What are the odds of Mrs. Clinton’s signing this pledge?

Off the top of my head, I’d say zilch.

The Clinton Foundation's announcement that it will continue to take foreign donations as Mrs. Clinton seeks the presidency ranks in the annals of gall right up there with President Obama’s ditching Democrat-supported campaign finance reform so he could raise more money in 2008.

Who was it said the ends justify the–oh, forget it.