Millennials, the biggest generation, have some trust issues with government and the latest poll out of Harvard confirms that although it’s getting marginally better, the President, Congress, and the federal bureaucracy is doing very little to change our perceptions of them.
Harvard University just released findings from its annual poll of the young people ages 18-29 years old and among the various topics that we care about politicians in Washington still don’t get high marks from us. Entering into an election season we’ll see if that lack of trust carries over to the candidates.
Only 37 percent of Millennial trust President Barack Obama. While that’s low, it’s a slight increase of five percentage points from one year ago. Half of all young people now approve of his job performance – seven percentage points higher than one year ago.
POTUS is getting something right in the eyes of young people, as his approval rating has gotten some lift over several categories of issues such as his handling of the economy (47% approval: Mar. 2015; 36%: Oct. 2014), health care (43% approval Mar. 2015; 37%: Oct. 2014) and race relations (50% approval Mar. 2015; 47%: Oct. 2014).
Not surprisingly, we don’t like Congress. It’s so terrible that less than 2 in 10 Millennials (17 percent) actually trust of nation’s legislative branch, but what have they done lately to engender trust? Obamacare? Their approval rating increased five percentage points though to 40 percent approval. So Congress might be doing something right – somewhere. The question is where?
USA Today reports:
“We believe it’s important to listen to our young people,” Maggie Williams, director of the Institute said on a conference call with the media. “Many are leading now and our choices will depend on their leadership.”
The results show a generation confident in scientific research but deeply distrustful of government, the American justice system and the media.
Some of the biggest revelations:
Millennials Don’t trust The Man
Millennials’ trust in large institutions like the courts, the police and the media, appears to have passed through its nadir, with faint signs of optimism emerging. Among the six institutions included in the survey, the military ranked highest, at 53%.
Whether Democrat or Republican, most millennials (83%) show no faith in Congress. The majority Republican legislature is failing to address the issues Millennials care most about.
“Millennials are on a completely different page than most politicians in Washington, D.C.,” Della Volpe says. “This is a more cynical generation when it comes to political institutions.”
So much ink gets spilled over understanding Millennials. Perhaps it’s because we are set t be the largest generation eclipsing baby boomers. However, if we are sitting out the political process because we lack trust in the institutions of power and their ability to deliver efficient and effective good for society, then the whims of a misguided few will rule.
This report should be as sobering wake-up call to motivate young people once again to understand that their voice matters and collectively can drive change. We also have an opportunity to help my generation understand that (economic) freedom and free markets are the best ways to improve life for each person – not big government.