In a little more than a month, the Museum of Biblical Art is going to close. It’s a small museum on the Upper West Side, but it has consistently put on high-quality exhibits and the fact that it will disappear is a shame.
But what’s even worse is the reason that it can’t keep its doors open — it’s too religious.
The museum, founded in 1997, took a clearly secular perspective on its work — suggesting that the “Bible is a culturally foundational text, which has greatly influenced artists historically and continues to inspire the creation of countless important works of art today.”
But apparently too many donors were wary even of that. As one former publicist for the museum recently told The New York Times, “Just having the world ‘Bible’ in the name says to many people that we’re a conservative, right-wing group, and that could not be further from the case.”
Which should tell you something about where the cultural elite is right now.
Anything having to do with the most influential book in the history of the world means you must be a Tea Party member.
The museum was originally opened under the auspices of the American Bible Society, whose mission is explicitly Christian.
But it had cut ties with the group in recent years. Even that apparently wasn’t enough for people suspicious that its aims were secretly faith-based.
As Richard Townsend, the museum’s director, explained, the museum has tried “to move out of the shadow of the American Bible Society, but I think that, try as we might, there was brand confusion.”
The implication, of course, is that you must be one brand or the other — the kind of person who thinks the Bible is a great book that has inspired beautiful literature and art or the kind who thinks the Bible contains Truth. Not both.
A new museum opening soon in Washington, DC, rejects this claim. The eight-story, 430,000-square-foot Museum of the Bible broke ground earlier this year and is scheduled to open in 2017.
It’ll include everything from ancient texts to multimedia exhibits to tell museumgoers about the Bible’s history, its impact and its narrative.
The rooms will be arranged thematically rather than chronologically like most museums, says director Cary Summers. They’ll explain how the Bible was written and dispersed as well as how it influenced “government, education, work, science, economics, fashion, art, literature and movies.”
The museum is the brainchild of the Green family, which made its fortune with the Hobby Lobby chain and is now famously associated with a Supreme Court victory over the Affordable Care Act.
The family was honored last week in New York by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which represented Hobby Lobby at the highest court.
What started out as a modest project — Barbara Green joked, “We just started collecting stuff” — has turned into a massive undertaking.
Among the artifacts the Greens brought with them to New York was the first English Bible printed in the United States.
The collection also contained a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of New London, which states: “No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man, than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority.”
In a previous era, it was a lesson that both believers and nonbelievers took to heart.
And when it comes to the museum’s audience, Summers explains, “Probably half of the visitors to the traveling exhibits [of the museum’s collections] have some kind of religious affiliation. The other half are just curious about things related to the Bible.”
Though the Green family is mostly Protestant, the museum has found partners with Jewish groups, Eastern Orthodox Christians and even the Vatican. And they have welcomed the input of scholars with no religious background at all.
The Greens have been regularly mocked for their position that their business should reflect their values; just watch Jon Stewart’s lengthy segment joking about how God likes crafts more than premarital sex.
The Museum of the Bible will reflect their values as well. But as it turns out, the Greens seem to be much more tolerant and welcoming of nonbelievers than the secular elite seem to be of them.
Naomi Schaefer Riley is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.