Hillary Clinton gave a speech earlier today outlining what her economic policies as president would be. (Here is the transcript.)

If you have enjoyed the economic pace of the Obama years, you'll like what she said.

Because Hillary intends to do pretty much what President Obama has done–only more so.

The most memorable tenet of the speech is that Americans "need a raise."

And how!

But Mrs. Clinton gives no indication that she understands the economic forces that go into Americans getting that raise. She seems to think that raises happen because big-hearted politicians such as Mrs. Clinton say that people should have raises.     

Stephen Moore reflects on the speech:

Hillary Clinton will attempt to reinvent herself for the umpteenth time on Monday‎ when she releases her "new" economic agenda for the working class. Except that from what the Clinton team released over the weekend this is not much more than the leftovers from Obamanomics — and that hasn't worked out so well for middle America.

Let's see: she wants more infrastructure spending, higher taxes on the foreign earnings of U.S. Corporations and hedge fund managers, a higher minimum wage, new rules to make it easier to form unions ( card check), more child care subsidies, expanded paid medical leave for workers, and renewable energy subsidies.

Sound familiar? It's more taxes, more regulatory burdens on employers, the green agenda, more government spending paid for with debt. One looks at the list of leftist wish list priorities from yesteryear and wonders: Hillary, is this thin grool really all you got?

Hot Air's Ed Morrissey  was great on other aspects of the speech:

Hillary went on the attack over “trickle down” economics, calling it a failure for 35 years. Actually, it proved remarkably successful beginning in 1983, kicking off a 25-year expansion which only got lightly dented by a couple of slight recessions until 2008’s crash. That was largely the result of a housing bubble promoted by Congressional mandates that irrationally distorted the mortgage markets for political gain of both parties. It’s the kind of crony capitalism against which Hillary Clinton inveighed in other parts of her speech.

Morrissey points out that other parts of the speech were "bizarre," including her going after President Obama for not going far enough against bankers. Morrissey notes also that Mrs. Clinton publicly criticized HSBC, a major Clinton Foundation donor, according to a press release issued immediately after the speech by America Rising.

The scary thing about political rhetoric is that sometimes voters don't get beyond the talking point. President Obama got re-elected portraying himself as the champion of the middle class, even though the actual economic situation of the middle class has declined and continues to do so because of his policies. Is it enough for Clinton to say that Americans deserve a raise and advocate policies that will prevent this from happening?