The Environmental Protection Agency’s ozone rules are, by some estimates, the most expensive regulation in history. As we’ve noted before, many states and counties haven’t yet met current smog standards, much less the stricter ones now sought by the federal government.
Even the EPA isn’t quite sure how states are supposed to meet the new standards; its research says “unknown controls” will account for two-thirds of these new reductions. In other words: Good luck, pal, 'cause you’re gonna need it.
The Energy Policy Alliance is happy to fill in some of those measures the EPA has left blank for now, though. Its new video, The Hill writes, “is warning that the Environmental Protection Agency’s new ozone rule could trigger ridiculous laws limiting everyday activity.”
Here’s a look ab the video.
The video’s tone is humorous—but it’s funny because it’s kind of true. The EPA has already annoyed folks with its hand-wringing on everything from emissions from backyard barbeques to wood burning stoves.
For even the most minimal of environmental gains, the EPA has proven willing to encroach far into the lives, livelihoods and recreation of millions of Americans.