Quote of the Day:
I’d like to work w you to prepare a menu for Jason. Also does he give me a monthly bill for the food he buys and prepares for me? Could you or he buy skim milk for me to have for my tea? Also, pls remind me to bring more tea cups from home . . . Can you give me times for two TV shows: Parks and Recreation and The Good Wife?
–Hillary Clinton's emails
Yeah, it's a problem all us Everywomen have: did somebody remember to pay that man who buys my groceries and cooks my meals?
The Clintons are millionaires many times over, and we should not begrudge anyone who can afford it the pleasure of being waited upon hand and foot. Still, as the above email hints Mrs. Clinton's Everywoman pose during her spring van trip was just that–a pose. And now Stephen Miller, having sifted through Mrs. Clinton's emails, notes something else about the presidential hopeful: she is utterly helpless. Miller writes:
If I were to approach a person on the street and list off traits like “doesn’t drive,” “needs food prepared,” “needs help with the remote control,” “needs people to bring her beverages,” “has trouble remembering things,” and “doesn’t pay her own bills” about someone anonymously, he wouldn’t think I was referring to a current presidential front-runner in the year 2015.
He would think I was referring to his poor nana, whom he had to place in a home because she wouldn’t stop yelling at the lamp and was at risk of accidentally microwaving her dentures. . . .
Yes, this is the delightful paradox that is Hillary: a woman who claims she will fight for the shrinking middle class but who also happens to employ a personal chef (or Visiting Angel) that she’s not even sure she pays.
A candidate who Understands People Like You but apparently isn’t familiar enough with the strange Google machine to look up television listings (I found it in one click after searching “The Good Wife times” and going to the official CBS homepage). A person who was actually in the habit of e-mailing her drink orders to aides at the State Department: “Pls call Sarah and ask her if she can get me some iced tea.”
Ponder that one again for a moment: She e-mailed one person to call yet another person with an order to bring her a beverage. A normal person, incapacitated and laid out in a hospital bed, can usually get beverage service in fewer steps than what Hillary was requesting.
So does this mean that Hillary won't cut the number of federal workers because she honestly believes it takes three people to change a light bulb?
Mostly, I recommend Stephen Miller's story to you because it's just so much fun to read, but there are some serious issues, such as whether somebody as out of touch, helpless, and as given to memory lapses as Mrs. Clinton appears to be should be given a stressful job. There is also Mrs. Clinton's sense of entitlement, which might not hamper her from doing the job, reveals a great deal about how puffed up our political class is.