I love laughing at the silliness of liberals, but there are some things at which I can't laugh.
One of them is this: Heaping scorn on people who pray for the dead.
Or on people who, for the sake of the nonreligious, offer their sympathetic thoughts–because dead people deserve to be remembered and usually leave grieving survivors behind.
Yesterday two murderers armed with military equipment massacred 14 people in a social-services building in San Bernardino, California.
The immediate reaction of our liberal friends was…mockery of the public figures who offered their prayers and sympathy.
Yes, that was what the liberals did: Mocked people who prayed and sympathized.
The most egregious offender was the New York Daily News, which couldn't wait even a few hours to blare out its front page headline for today on Twitter: "God Isn't Fixing This" plus photos of four Republican politicians who had said they were offering their "thoughts and prayers" for the victims and first responders in San Bernardino. In case readers didn't get the idea, the Daily News yellow-highlighted the word "prayer" in its front-page quotes from Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan. You see, the proper response to a mass shooting, if you're a liberal. isn't to think about the dead or to worry about those charged with tending to the wounded (17 of them in San Bernardino). No, the proper response for a good liberal is to hop right onto the political bandwagon even before the bodies cool and start screaming for gun control.
As the Daily News's front page put it: "As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes." Yes, that's prayer: "meaningless platitudes."
The Nation's Washington editor, George Zornick, picked up the meme and ran with it, tweeting quotes from still more GOP politicians and contrasting them to the Good Democrats, presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley, making Good Democrat noises about "gun violence." So did the Huffington Post, with its own list: "Another Mass Shooting, Another Deluge of Tweeted Prayers." A HuffPost deckline joked: "Seems to have been an ineffective strategy so far." And because virtue-signaling to each other is a genetic liberal trait, soon enough every progressive in the known universe was making fun of Republican rubes and their silly invocations to deities.
Never mind that President Obama, hardly a conservative, had tweeted his own "thoughts and prayers" for the victims and the people of France after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in January.
Even the Atlantic, also distinctly non-right wing, found something disconcerting about yesterday's progressive prayer pile-on:
There are many assumptions packed into these attacks on prayer: that all religious people, and specifically Christians, are gun supporters, and vice versa. That people who care about gun control can’t be religious, and if they are, they should keep quiet in the aftermath of yet another heart-wrenching act of violence. At one time in American history, liberals and conservatives shared a language of God, but that’s clearly no longer the case; any invocation of faith is taken as implicit advocacy of right-wing political beliefs.
The most powerful evidence against this backlash toward prayer comes not from the Twitterverse, but from San Bernardino. “Pray for us,” a woman texted her father from inside the Inland Regional Center, while she and her colleagues hid from the gunfire. Outside the building, evacuated workers bowed their heads and held hands. They prayed.
And now it seems out that the massacre wasn't the work of a some NRA-addled gun nuts, but an apparently carefully planned act of jihadi terrorism, with more possible conspirators involved in the conspiracy. Wonder what the liberals are thinking now. Maybe they're thinking that they could use a few prayers.