Forget stopping people from boarding planes with explosives: one TSA agent reportedly allowed $500,000 of marijuana through security.
Christmas is this week and we’re in the heat of the holiday travel season when millions of Americans flow though our nation’s airports. The Department of Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is tasked with ensuring those who would do us harm don't board the air plane.
However, perhaps it’s the TSA that needs to be monitored.
A 28-year-old TSA agent is facing serious charges after reportedly spending the past two years helping drug dealers smuggle marijuana through Oakland International Airport. The female agent operated an X-ray machine where she is said to have permitted her co-conspirators to move through checkpoints without their carry-ons being screened.
Allegedly, more than 220 pounds of marijuana valuing about $500,000 flew unnoticed to various destinations across the country after passing through her faux screening.
We’re left to scratch our heads how from September 2013 through October 2015 this scheme apparently went on without any other agents noticing.
San Jose Mercury News reports:
Federal charges have been filed against a Transportation Security Administration officer suspected of using her position to allow drugs to be smuggled aboard planes at Oakland International Airport, authorities said.
Kiana Scott Clark, 28, of San Mateo, was arrested Wednesday on a federal grand jury indictment charging her with two counts of conspiring to distribute controlled substances and two counts of conspiring to defraud the United States by obstructing, impeding and interfering with aviation security functions of the TSA.
The news release did not say how the illegal operation was discovered or how long Clark was a TSA officer.
This isn’t the first case of TSA agents abusing their authority for personal gain or gratification. Two agents targeted handsome men for additional patdowns while another agent allegedly molesting a college student on her way home. Another wheelchair bound grandma
These are the physical abuses that passengers have endured. Let’s not forget that the TSA has failed to identify explosives 67 out of 70 times from tests from undercover agents. That’s their core function.
We are left to ask what should be done about the TSA?
The TSA is focused on its social media presence. Just in time for the holidays the TSA has launched a new Twitter account called @AskTSA. It’s supposed to give travelers real-time answers to questions about security.
Here’s one for @AskTSA: When will TSA agents stop harassing passengers and do their jobs?
And a follow-up question: Would a private company stay in business if it performed on the level of the TSA?