The University of Southern California has a reputation as a world-class party school–but a new mandatory online course that requires students to reveal all about their sex and drinking lives might be taking the USC party spirit a bit far.
Indeed, according to an e-mail obtained by Campus Reform, the course is so mandatory that USC students are barred from registering for this spring's semester until they comple it.
And do USC administrators ever want to know the skinny about what their students are doing before, during, and after parties! Here's a rundown:
The course begins with a detailed questionnaire that asks students to reveal how often they are having sex and using drugs or alcohol. The survey also asks students to specify the number of sexual partners they have had in the past three months.
After revealing both the number of times they have had sex and with how many different people, students are then asked to state whether or not they used a condom.
“If you had sex (including oral) in the last 3 months, how many times had you used a condom?” the survey asks.
The questionnaire also asks students to discuss their drinking habits and encourages students to avoid “pre-gaming” and “blacking out.”
It's hard to decide which would be more embarrassing: revealing that you'd had sex a whole lot with a whole lot of pepole–or revealing that you'd hadn't had any sex at all with anybody.
The course also throws in some PC indoctrination–in case USC students have retained some fuddy-duddy "traditional" attitudes that deem some kinds of sex to be morally wrong:
In a subsequent portion of the course, students are encouraged to “challenge gender stereotypes” and question the validity of “traditional thinking.”
“When someone’s appearance or behavior do not ‘line up’ with traditional thinking, how does traditional thinking ‘line up’ with everyone being born free and equal,” the course states, suggesting “traditional thinking” does not endorse ideas of freedom and equality.
The online course at USC, created by an outfit called Campus Clarity, seems designed to comply with the Obama Education Department's vast and unprecedented expansion of its rule-setting authority under Title IX, a 1972 law forbidding sex discrimination in educational institutions receiving federal funding. Many universities now feel required to offer Title IX "training courses" to comply with the Obama Education Department's new strict rules issued in 2011 that tend to treat any drunken or regretted sexual encounter between college students as an act of "sexual violence"–usually on the part of the male student involved, who under the new rules can be expelled or otherwise disciplined on the basis of a an ultra-low "preponderance of the evidence" standard of proof upon which the Education Department has also insisted.
So maybe USC is trying to save its male students (and its own skin) by requring the detailed sex survey. And at least USC doesn't seem to have gone as far as Western New Mexico University, where, according to a Campus Reform report, the students not only have to answer the privacy-invading questions, but pay Campus Clarity's harges for administering the questionnaire as part of their student fees.