Just a reminder that this is National School Choice Week.

According to The Daily Signal, this year may be shaping up as the best NSCW yet.

Part of that of course is that NSCW has arranged an impressive schedule of events all across the country (including here in DC) for the week, which officially began yesterday. But the real reason is that public schools continue to disappoint and parents and kids know the value of school choice.

The Daily Signal reports:

This year’s National School Choice Week comes at a critical time. Last year, Nevada became the first state to enact a universal ESA. It would enable virtually all public school students in the state to attend the private schools of their choice by giving them a significant portion of the money that would have been spent educating them at a public school.

But earlier this month, a state judge issued an injunction against the program. Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who signed the program into law, is asking the Nevada Supreme Court for an expedited ruling on the program’s constitutionality.

“The best avenue is to obtain an expedited and final ruling by the Nevada Supreme Court,” the governor said. “Thousands of parents across Nevada are waiting for an answer.”

Nevada is taking a drastic step to improve its underperforming K-12 education system, but the Silver State isn’t alone. In Illinois, Gov. Bruce Rauner proposed Wednesday that the state take over the Chicago Public Schools because of the district’s financial woes. Democratic critics accuse him of wanting to weaken the teachers union and open more charter schools.

Rauner says finances are the motivating factor behind the move. But based on test scores and graduation rates, more charter schools would go a long way toward giving Chicago students a brighter future: Data from the Illinois Network of Charter Schools show that charter schools in Chicago are graduating more of their students, who are also performing better on the ACT.

The DC-area NSCW events include several hosted by Classical Conversations, a Christian homeschooling organization, one by the Heritage Foundation, several KIPP academies, and numerous charter schools. To find a NSCW event near you, go to the NSCW website.