It's come to this: Student leaders at the University of Oregon seriously debated whether to remove Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream" statement from the student union building because it apparently wasn't inclusive enough.

Yes, seriously debated! After all, the U. of Oregon is a college, and college is where very serious intellectual activity takes place.

The Oregon student newspaper The Daily Emerald reports about the debate over whether to remove the MLK quotation from the Erb Student Union building, currently undergoing renovations :

The quote is not going to change, but that decision was not made without some hard thought by the Student Union Board.

Laurie Woodward, the Director of the Student Union said that when she approached the union with the question of if they wanted to keep the current MLK quote or supplement a new one, one of the students asked, “Does the MLK quote represent us today?”

“Diversity is so much more than race. Obviously race still plays a big role. But there are people who identify differently in gender and all sorts of things like that,” sophomore architecture major, Mia Ashley said.

Here's the offending quote, taken from King's most famous speech, delivered at the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28, 1963:

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

That sounds pretty inclusive to me.

But the U. of Oregon student body has a history of removing statements from the student union building that don't fit in with their ideology du jour. Mediaite sums it up:

Ironically, the King quote was [added] to the lobby after students complained about another quote. Until 1985, the wall declared the University of Oregon “leader in the quest for the good life for all men.” That was replaced with the King quote after feminists objected to the implication that Oregon only cared about “men.”

Well now, feminism seems to be out at the U. of Oregon, but gender identity is in. And maybe someone will soon be giving an "I have a dream" speech about gender indentiy that can go up in the student-union lobby.