Did you know that New York City’s population is 12 percent Asian but that Asians only make up 8 percent of the volunteers to the city’s cultural organizations? Or that while women make up 53 percent of the residents of the Big Apple, they’re 77 percent of the people involved in the discipline of photography here?

Perhaps it had escaped your attention that only 97 people who identify as Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander even have jobs in New York’s cultural sector.

These are some of the many silly tidbits that riddle a new report from City Hall. “Diversity in the New York City Department of Public Affairs Community” also contains what many will see as more damning findings as well. For instance, the survey found that while two-thirds of New Yorkers identify as non-white, 62 percent of the staff at cultural organizations is as white as last week’s blizzard.

To which the proper answer should be: Who gives a flying you-know-what?

Different people will make different choices about what kind of jobs they want. Maybe Asians volunteer in higher numbers at their churches, and so they don’t want to volunteer at arts institutions. Maybe Latinos with the educational backgrounds to be museum employees would rather be making more money in other fields.

But in our era of racial head-counting it would never be good enough to simply accept individual preference as a legitimate explanation for disparities. Instead, we need to chart and examine as many employees as possible and ask about their race, gender and even disability status.

One might reasonably wonder why over 1,000 organizations decided to take part in this absurd exercise, yielding data on almost 50,000 people. No doubt many of these institutions share Mayor de Blasio’s sensibilities.

But there was also this: Last summer, then-Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl told the institutions that they could apply for funding next year “as long as you complete the survey.”

The mayor quickly backtracked. But here’s the thing about government questionnaires — they invariably imply the government officials believe they have a role to play in whatever area they have decided to investigate.

And sure enough, New York City has come up with some preliminary plans to deal with what they see as the problems here.

According to The Wall Street Journal, new “diversity and inclusion” plans include “$2 million in grants for development and training of theater professionals, with a focus on underrepresented groups, and a $1 million commitment to the city’s Cultural Institutions Group to support diversity efforts.”

In a city with a failing public-education system, crumbling infrastructure and rising crime, it’s hard to see why we would want local government trying to fix whatever problems ail its cultural sector. In fact, the incentives they put in place may be all wrong.

For instance, when asked why they didn’t have greater diversity on staff, one organization leader noted, “We operate on a shoestring budget, and have trouble paying competitive salaries. As a result, job applicants are usually those who come from more privileged backgrounds and can afford to work for little money.”

But when asked what they planned to do about increasing diversity, many organizations said they had instituted extensive training programs for employees and some even hired full-time staffers to focus on diversity.

These things cost money. Why not just raise salaries and see if the free market attracts more of the people you want to hire? Well, for one thing, the government is looking over your shoulder and probably prefers you have a bloated administrative staff as long as it looks like the rainbow.

Some will stand up to the city despite the veiled threats. One organization leader wrote: “We do not believe the above categories determine the quality of a person’s work, and they are therefore not important for strengthening the quality of the work of our organization.”

To which we can imagine the mayor’s response. What a nice museum you have there. Wouldn’t want to see its funding cut.

Naomi Schaefer Riley is a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.