Nancy Reagan will be buried today next to the husband she loved so dearly.

For those of us who remember the exuberance and excitement of the Reagan years in D.C., Mrs. Reagan's funeral is a good-bye to a time that was more innocent and yet at the same time more sophisticated than what we know today.

Peggy Noonan knew Mrs. Reagan and I urge you to read Peggy's wonderful column about her today in the Wall Street Journal. Peggy writes:

Stipulated: There was no him without her. He couldn't have launched or sustained his great project if she hadn’t made him her project. He was thinking about the failure of the latest Soviet five-year plan, and making note of the new statistics on HUD spending. She was thinking about people and their agendas. If you served him well you were in; if not don’t let the door hit you. She was protective. Or, as she would put it, she was looking after her man. Her protectiveness was a patriotic act.

As first lady she was glamorous, meticulous. Everything had to be just so. There was a touching, old-fashioned sense that she wanted whichever visiting king or potentate to see America knows how to do it up right. She believed in fun, too. In the Reagan White House you could smoke, drink and dance, after the more subdued, abstemious Carter years. It was no place for puritans.

Her personality was wry, teasing, loyal, warm and fun. She was my darling friend.

For my money, Peggy's recollection of Mrs. Reagan is the best to have appeared since her death last week at the age of 94. Do read the column.