The White House has big plans for ObamaCare in April, but there are other aspects of healthcare the administration could be focusing on.
As reported by The Hill and other news outlets, the White House is going to announce a series of events starting in April that will "highlight the significant progress made in improving access to and quality of healthcare" under the Obama presidency.
ObamaCare, or the Affordable Care Act as it is formally known, is now six years old – and while presidential candidates may beg to differ, supporters of the healthcare law say it's here to stay.
"We can evaluate the law based on those metrics, but instead I think we ought to be considering some other metrics when it comes to healthcare reform," says Hadley Heath Manning, director of health policy at the Independent Women's Forum.
"Improving quality is a good metric, but we should be focused on increasing efficiency, having the best payment models available for people, both on the consumer side and on the provider side."
Manning recommends government leaders look for innovative ways that will allow people to access, for example, direct payment outside of an insurance contract.
"So it's time, I believe, for people who are in health policy on both sides of the aisle to be looking for different ways to improve access and quality," she says. "Those metrics are ultimately more important than the cost of health insurance or access to health insurance as, again, insurance and care are two different things."
Bottom line, Manning thinks focusing on the "care portion" really should have been the focus from the get-go; but if now there is some kind of pivot to healthcare quality and healthcare access above insurance, Manning believes that would be a sign of progress and something worth celebrating.