Heidi Cruz, wife of GOP presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, sat down for an interview with Megyn Kelly last night. You might say that Megyn Kelly unveiled Ted Cruz's secret weapon: Heidi the humanizer. There is a link to the interview here.
She is a Harvard Business School-educated managing director at Goldman Sachs, on leave for the duration of her husband's campaign. She struck just the right note throughout the interview, especially on Donald Trump's nasty attack on her looks (she's very attractive.) Best of all, she regards being First Lady as an honor and an opportunity to do good work "alongside" her husband, not a cause for feminist angst.
Mrs. Cruz said that she isn't on Twitter and so it was easy to ignore Donald Trump's tweet about her. She managed to point out that both she and Kelly, along with Carly Fiorina, now a Cruz supporter, had endured similar thrusts from Trump without sounding like a victim. She stayed on script without coming across as scripted.