Three professors at the University of Texas-Austin are suing the university for complying with a state law that allows licensed concealed firearms to be carried on campus.
And yes, all three of the profs, who want to be able to ban concealed guns from their own classrooms, are female.
And yes, two out of the three hail from UT-Austin's English department–a recently radicalized field that attracts ever-declining numbers of male students these days. (The third is a sociology professor.)
And, as Inside Higher Education reports:
All three professors teach hot-button issues, from women's reproductive rights and power structures related to race and gender to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, according to the suit. All say they either been previously threatened or intimidated by students.
And yes, you're probably wondering what "women's reproductive rights and power structures" have to do with Chaucer or Jane Austen–or whatever it is that you thought Engish professors were supposed to teach.
But apparently all three ladies are terrified that some student, presumably male, will get so ticked off when the classroom discussion turns to power structures when he wanted to talk Shakespeare that he will pop off and shoot the professor.
Naturally, though, the real reason for the lawsuit seems to be to challenge the U.S. Supreme Court's Heller decision of 2008, in which a 5-4 majority of the justices ruled that the Second Amendment guarantees citizens a fairly broad right to bear arms, rejecting liberals' argument that the amendment only applies to state militias. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of the liberal Heller dissenters, has recently expressed her desire to overturn Heller now that Justice Antonin Scalia, author of the majority opinion, is dead. And indeed, the three UT-Austin profs seem to be pinning their hopes on a Supreme Court dominated by appointees of Hillary Clinton, a vocal gun-control advocate. Because sure enough, the "militia" issue pops up in their complaint:
The complaint asserts that the right to bear arms is “not a one-way street,” and the Second Amendment’s protections for a “well-regulated militia” means the “imposition of proper discipline and training.” Current requirements for obtaining and renewing a concealed carry license fail to meet that standard, it says.
Eugene Volokh, the Gary T. Schwartz Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an expert on the First and Second Amendments, agreed with other critics of the suit that it's unlikely to go anywhere.
"Whether law-abiding adult people who have concealed carry licenses should be able to carry on campus is an interesting and difficult policy question," he said. Yet Texas "has decided in favor of allowing such carry, and nothing in that violates the Constitution …. The claim has no legal foundation."
More specifically, Volokh said he was "skeptical about the plaintiffs’ claims that concealed carry by lawful license holders will materially chill people’s freedom of discussion — I don’t think it does in public places, and I don’t think it will in universities." Either way, he said, "that hypothetical risk isn’t enough to invalidate Texas’ decision about gun rights."
Another critic of the lawsuit called it a "Hail Mary pass" on the part of the professors. If so, it's a pass that a future President Hillary might be glad to catch.