That was then, and this is now:
Huffington Post, June 28, 2016
In a new Bud Light ad, which can be seen below, actors Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen talk about the gender pay gap — the very real, very stubborn fact that women make, on average, 79 percent of what men earn in the United States.
“Women don’t get paid as much as men, and that is wrong,” Rogen says.
“And we have to pay more for the same stuff: cars, dry cleaning, shampoo,” Schumer adds. Indeed, a study last year showed that products marketed to women cost more than those marketed to men: Baby clothes for girls cost more than those for boys. “Girl” toys cost more than “boy” toys — even if the only difference was the color of the toy.
“Bud Light proudly supports equal pay. That’s why Bud Light costs the same, no matter if you’re a dude or a lady,” Schumer said….
Anheuser-Busch’s U.S. marketing team is gender-balanced, the company told HuffPost in an email, made up of 51 percent women. The executive team that oversees Bud Light and other U.S. brands consists of seven men and five women and is led by a man, Jorn Socquet, who is vice president of marketing.
The company said it will donate $1 to to women’s leadership organization Catalyst each time someone uses the hashtag #CheersToEqualPay on social media, capped at $150,000, according to AdAge.
Anheuser-Busch InBev has pulled the plug on its Bud Light ads featuring comedians Amy Schumer and Seth Rogen.
According to Adweek, the beer giant pulled the ads "a little earlier than expected" after its beer sales declined in the third quarter.
One of the advertisements dubbed "Equal Pay" received a lot of negative attention online. In the video, the comedians denounced the gender wage gap by saying Bud Light "costs the same, whether you're a dude or a lady." Comments on the video have since been disabled on YouTube.
"Despite continued positive signs in brand health evolution, driven by millennials and Hispanics, [the third quarter] was the softest performance of Bud Light for the year from a volume and share perspective,” Bud Light senior director of marketing communications Lisa Weser told Adweek.
Here are a few likely reasons why the Rogen-Schumer team fell under the hooves of Annheuser-Busch's famous Clydesdales:
1. Drinking beer is supposed to be fun and relaxing. People don't want to hear a sermon while they're trying to enjoy themselves after work.
2. Even liberals–at least the smart ones–realize that the gender wage gap ("women don't get paid as much") has more to do with women's lifestyle and job choices than evil male bosses skunking their female employees beause they can.
3. It's a mistake to hire super-progressive snobs who loathe ordinary Americans to sell beer to ordinary Americans.
4. Bud Light tastes terrible.
Now, according to Adweek, Bud Light, ever in pursuit of millennials, is planning ads featuring Lady Gaga. Good luck on that one.