According to the New York Post, Anthony Weiner is receiving "equine therapy" for his sex addiction at a horse ranch in Tennessee.
Equine therapy? Mmmm, Catherine the Great….
At any rate, according to the Post, the disgraced former congressman from Queens is currently horsing around at "at The Recovery Ranch at Nunnelly, Tenn., a tony woodsy respite for deep-pocketed patrons."
Weiner — who was caught obsessively texting other women, including an underage girl, while married to top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin — looked pensive as he meandered through the trees at the expansive ranch.
But he turned decidedly glum when approached by The Post and asked for comment. He refused to say a word before riding slowly off….
….Weiner, 52, is now worlds away, putting his time in at the secluded recovery ranch after Abedin jettisoned him when it surfaced that he even sexted selfies with their 4-year-old son sleeping in the background.
Weiner is bunking down at The Ranch’s Swan Creek House, one of several lodgings catering to its addled well-heeled clientele about an hour west of Nashville.
One reason for Weiner's canter away from journalistic scrutiny may be the fact that agents investigating his sexting troubles "discovered he had emails on his computer that could be linked to the FBI probe involving Clinton’s private server," the Post speculated. The new discovery prompted FBI Director James Comey to reopen his investigation of Clinton, then promptly close it again a few days later.
According to its website, the Recovery Ranch offers a 35-day $25,000 sex rehab program that includes horsing around with actual horses instead of one's cellphone. Says the Post:
It's a state-of-the-art equestrian center equipped with lights, heated water and a ¾ bath, as well as 12 stalls, a wash area and a vet area for the equine partners.”
The center’s equine therapy “involves caring and interacting with horses in ways that provide valuable lessons in accountability and in how we relate to others,’’ the site says.
The Post snapped a photo of Weiner astride his nag, and I couldn't help but notice that he was wearing gray sneakers. Gym shoes are a riding no-no, according to equestrian experts, who point out that the heel-less footwear can slide dangerously through the stirrups and the treads on them can jam. Horse people advise wearing ankle-covering boots with heels of at least an inch while in the saddle.
in a Welcome Weiner forum at The Chronicle of the Horse , one commenter quipped: "Tennis shoes?! Huma's revenge?"