There’s a lot of excitement today over the possibility of electing the first female president. While my policy preferences differ significantly from Hillary Clinton’s, I can relate to friends and family who view this as a significant milestone. It is – and not just for women. It suggests that as a country we have made tremendous strides in the quest for equal rights and equal opportunity, and that’s something that both Republicans and Democrats can applaud.

But whether or not one supports or votes for Clinton, it’s helpful to keep in mind the positive message we can share with our sons and daughters every day – not just Election Day.

I’m grateful that one doesn’t have to support Clinton to support women’s progress, and I’m thrilled that we live at a time where my children have an endless list of female role models to look up to. My daughters and son have to look no further than their own grandmothers, both of whom worked as partners with their husbands to build and manage successful businesses. They know women who have traveled the world. Women who are lawyers, doctors, judges, writers, and artists. They know women who are amazing teachers, chefs, and musicians. Findley recently met a female Olympic fencer; Penelope has a friend whose mom is a genetic researcher. They know women in government and public policy. Women in real estate and industry. Women in the media and women pursuing their PhDs. They also know women who have embraced their roles as mothers, and who love it, and who ought to be recognized for their dedication and hard work. They know women who are Republicans and women who are Democrats. And everyday they see women who have carved out different work-life arrangements that work for them – and that’s a true gift.

So whoever wins the presidential election we ought to remember — and share with our daughters and sons — that women have an unprecedented opportunity to learn, to work, and to pursue their own vision of happiness in America – and that’s what Election Day is really all about.