I'm making a list and checking it twice.
And it's a long one, according to Hollywood Life before the polls closed yesterday:
All around Hollywood, bags are packed and ready to go in case Donald Trump clinches the presidency…
At the top of the list (and everybody's list for bidding adios to America permanently, please) is…Miley Cyrus:
Miles wants NOTHING to do with Donald. She’s repeatedly made posts about how dangerous and offensive he is (even calling him a “f*cking nightmare”), but her hated for him reached it’s peak when she said she would “move out da country” if he won.
Second prize: Miley and her tongue stay right here in the USA.
But we also have:
Lena Dunham. Let’s not pretend we’re even surprised by this. She said she “loves” Canada and would “100 percent” move there if necessary….
Jon Stewart. ….Now that he doesn’t have a show tying him to America, he doesn’t mind leaving. “I’m getting in a rocket and going to another planet,” he told People. “Because clearly this planet’s gone bonkers.”
Cher. Cher is a powerful woman, so of course she’s supporting another powerful woman! “IF HE WERE TO BE ELECTED, IM MOVING TO JUPITER…."…
Barbra Streisand. Babs love Hillary, and she said she wouldn’t hesitate to bail and run to Canada if Hil doesn’t take the W on Nov. 8.
Some of the 13 celebs on the Hollywood Life list have some real talent, and I'd be a wee bit sorry if I were limited to viewing them on video from a distant astral body. (That doesn't include you, Miley.)
But let's face it: Threatening to move to some other country in political protest–especially if you have a big name–is a stock feature of the American electoral season. As the Washington Post reported:
A fledgling Move to Canada movement blossomed when George W. Bush moved into the White House. A bunch of lefty celebrity types panicked. Eddie Vedder, Robert Altman, Alec Baldwin, Pierre Salinger, Johnny Depp and Barbra Streisand all made news about supposed exit plans.
Salinger actually made good on the threat, moving to France and dying there in 2004. Depp stayed in France for years but recently returned to escape French taxes.
After Bush was reelected in 2004, applications for Canadian immigration tripled. But few folks followed up.
So it will be interesting to see, for example, whether Barbra Streisand actually packs her bags for the Great White North. I'm not betting lunch on it. There really is something to the oxymoron "Shut up and sing." But for some reason stars who get paid big money for their talents get into their heads that we ought to pay them for their political hot air as well.