How many feminists does it take to run a snow-removal operation?

Answer: None–because when feminists run a snow-removal operation, the snow stays right on the streets, and all traffic grinds to a paralyzing halt.

I'm still laughing at the the good burghers of Stockholm, Sweden, who decided to put into operation a "gender-equal" snow-clearing policy at the behest of the ruling Left-Green coalition on the city council. The idea, according to Heat Street:

The “gender equal” strategy came in last year after politicians in the Swedish Green Party argued that the old way of clearing major roads in central areas favours men, who are more likely to work in the city, and get there by car.

Instead, the plows were sent to clear out sidewalks and cycle paths – on the basis that women walk and bike often. They also focused on areas like kindergartens, which children and parents visit in the morning.

Then–oops!–in mid-November Stockholm experienced its biggest snowfall in 111 years. Says LifeSite News:

[C]haos reportedly was the result for both genders, according to the tabloid Aftonbladet’s headline, “Feministisk snöröjning funkar inte i Stockholm,” (“Feminist Snow Removal Flunks in Stockholm.”)

Buses (also, it turns out,  heavily used by women) were stuck by the hundreds on roads blocked by stalled cars. Light rail trains moved at half speed, forcing  stranded commuters to walk for hours to get home from work, slipping and falling on glasslike sidewalks and bike paths. Others stayed home with children as schools shut down.

Nonetheless, Stockholm's Green Party hasn't backed down in its claim that it's much more important to get the snow off of female-dominated bike paths than to c;ear male-dominated streets and roads:

Daniel Helldén, a Green Party member who is vice mayor for traffic, was quick to blame the record snowfall (15 inches in a day) rather than the new policy. “Gender-equal snow cleaning is not to blame here,” he told the Expressen newspaper, claiming that the policy had apparently not been followed….

He explained the rationale for gender-equal snow removal: “It hurt more when you fall when walking and cycling, while those who drive are comfortable no matter whether it’s snowing. It is about three times as many pedestrians who are injured than motorists in weather like this. … But there is also an accessibility argument that the city should be accessible to all. Snow and ice keeps many at home. Above all, it affects women who increasingly are walking and cycling more than men.”

But Heat Street noted:

Indeed, almost a week later buses are still struggling to run, and some 1,700 public transport passengers are planning to sue….

Despite efforts to defend it, the plan has become a laughing stock.

And when even the ultra-liberals of ultra-liberal Sweden are laughing at the feminists, it might be time for the feminists to switch to something else.